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Professional Tree and Shrub Care

Providing Everything You Need For A Healthy and Beautiful Landscape

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Is it necessary to fertilize your trees and shrubs?

Absolutely!  Tree and Shrub fertilization will help not only maintain the trees and shrubs beauty but will increase their resistance to injury from diseases and insects.

Insect Control

Why is insect control important for your trees and shrubs?

  1. Healthy and Vigorous Trees and Shrubs

  2. Prevent Diseases from spreading

  3. Improved value and appearance of your property

FACT:  Trees give off oxygen that we need to breathe. Especially healthy trees!  Trees reduce the amount of storm water runoff, which reduces erosion and pollution in our waterways.  Many species of wildlife depend on trees for a safe habitat.  Trees also provide food, protection, and homes for many birds and mammals.

FACT:  Insects can cause serious problems in both your lawn as well as your landscape, including property damage, and even environmental harm.  That's why pest control is very important.  It prevents the problem insects that cause harm in all residential and commercial properties.

Fungus Control

Fungi can quickly break down a tree's structural integrity, eventually causing them to die and fall apart.

The growth process of fungi on both trees and shrubbery often interferes with its leaves, hurting a tree's ability to photosynthesize, and not allowing new growth.  A sick tree can become very dangerous when its structure is compromised by a fungal infection.

Benefits of treating fungi:

Treatment to control fungi is critical to the overall health and vigor of your landscape.  Replacing trees and shrubs that have been damaged or killed by fungi can also be very costly.  Being proactive in treating fungi is always the best practice in maintain a beautiful landscape.


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